Juliana Broad is a writer and researcher who works on issues related to labor, science, and democracy. With the Center for Media and Democracy, she focuses on the corporate interest groups coordinating attacks on workers’ rights, campaign finance transparency, and access to reproductive healthcare, among other issues. She has also worked with unions as a labor organizer and strategic researcher in a variety of sectors, including higher education, healthcare, and property services. She earned a master’s degree in the history and philosophy of science at the University of Cambridge as a Gates Scholar. Her scholarship has been published in or is forthcoming from the peer-reviewed journals History of the Human Sciences, Medical History, and History of Science.
Here Are 15 Swing State Counties Where Deniers May Refuse to Certify Election Results
An Ex-Con Promoted Campaign Software at ALEC's Annual Meeting
Utility-Backed Candidates and Undemocratic Oversight Create Obstacles to Arizona’s Transition to Clean Energy
The Rise of “Pro-Labor” Conservatism
Which Side Are You On? Miami Teachers Will Choose Between Their Union and a New One Bankrolled by a National Anti-Union Group
Heavy Hitters and Big Business Bankroll RAGA
How a Right-Wing Florida Group Influenced Wyoming’s Election Laws
Teaching Teachers to Bust Unions
Big Oil Backs GOP Effort to Shield the Industry from Climate Litigation
ALEC Pushes Anti-Union Playbook