…Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, topped all contributors to RAGA during the second half of 2021, donating $550,285 (or 9%) of its…
Two Koch-Tied Candidates Vie for Colorado’s New 8th CD
…Together Chamber of Commerce), which contributed $6.5 million. ALEC, the corporate bill mill that Saine led at the state level through 2020, is a pay-to-play operation that churns out model…
Bradley and Koch Cash Fuels Push to Eliminate Wisconsin Income Tax
…Americans for Prosperity (AFP)-Wisconsin, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) “applauded” the study and called for Wisconsin to become the 10th state in the U.S.…
How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On Covid
…was to clarify Covid-19 workplace safety standards, the resulting guidelines ended up limited to a small subsection of workers, following months of lobbying by business groups like the U.S. Chamber…
The Right Is Trying to Rewrite the Constitution to Cement Minority Rule Forever
During a private workshop at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) recent policy summit, speakers discussed a right-wing movement to rewrite the U.S. Constitution to “balance the budget,” limit the…
Koch Group Canvasses for Schmitt in Crowded GOP Primary for Open Missouri Senate Seat
Americans for Prosperity Action has spent $300,000 already for door-to-door canvassing to support Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s U.S. Senate bid, its biggest expenditure yet for the 2022 elections, according…
Insurrectionist Mark Meadows Flies to Atlanta to Help Launch Far-Right State Caucuses
…House Freedom Caucus.” The House Freedom Caucus is made up of 44 of the chamber’s most extreme right-wing representatives. Except for Rep. Ken Buck (CO-R) and Rep. Chip Roy (TX-R),…
ALEC Voter Suppressors Square Off in GOP Primary for Arizona Secretary of State
…Pinnacle West, Freeport-McMoran, Southwest Gas, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, and utility Salt River Project. Finchem and Bolick both sponsored Arizona’s bill HB 2905, signed by the governor in July,…
Republican AGs Expand Their Pay-to-Play Operation
…Fund, Koch Industries, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, fossil fuel, telecom, and drug companies, and the National Rifle Association. Along with its 501(c)(4) affiliate the Rule of Law Defense Fund…
At Least 100 ALEC Lawmakers Signed Letter Opposing Worker Protections in PRO Act
…CMD shows that ALEC is working in lockstep with the billionaire Charles Koch’s astroturf group Americans for Prosperity, the Koch-linked front group Independent Women’s Voice, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,…