Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, a private group set up for corporations and other interest groups to ghostwrite legislation that is sponsored by legislators…
Revealed: Names of ALEC Lobbyist and Legislator Members
…Duke Energy, the Edison Electric Institute, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, American Gas Association, the Nuclear Energy Institute, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The…
Stronger Judicial Recusal Rules Vital for an Impartial State Judiciary
…Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, proved to be pivotal, particularly in 2008 when an incumbent Justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court was defeated in a nasty, vicious, scurrilous campaign in which…
Arizona “Ground Zero” for Koch Attack on Public Education
…Schools Arizona. But the ads are not stopping. Governor Ducey’s big backers, like the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, have started a new group called the “Arizona Education Project” and recently…
Coal Lobbyist Hosted Fundraisers for Senators Evaluating His Nomination for Top EPA Post
…the No. 2 slot at the agency. His confirmation hearing was in November; the Senate panel approved his nomination, but it never went before the full chamber for a final…
ALEC Backs Extreme Climate Denial, Constitutional Rewrite, Corporate Wish List at Nashville Summit
…team Trump’s negotiations on Korean trade and NAFTA. A Draft Resolution Urging the Presidential Administration and Congress to Support Continued U.S. Participation in the U.S.–Korea Free Trade Agreement urges the…
Cleaning Up the Courts, Citizen Hearings at Three Locations in Wisconsin
…written by one of the state’s biggest spenders in Supreme Court elections, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC). While the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in a 2009 case called Caperton v….
SCOTUS Prepares to Hear Case that Could Put an End to Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering and One Party Rule
A case challenging the partisan gerrymandering of Wisconsin legislative districts will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on October 3. The court has a historic opportunity to curb the…
Big Coal Burns Bright at ALEC Conference
…the fracking industry had received billions of dollars in public subsidies. You could hear a pin drop in response. And on the docket today is the consideration by the Commerce,…
Bradley Foundation Fueled “Independent Women’s Forum” Campaign Against Paid Sick Leave Laws and More
…from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) and two women (Tammy McCutchen and Diana Furchtgott-Roth) from outside IWF, plus the group’s top leaders (Carrie Lukas and Sabrina Schaeffer, who has since…