…special interests vote as equals with state legislators. ALEC has claimed that more than 1,000 of its bills are introduced each year. In one mailing to its corporate funders, and…

Investigating Power
…special interests vote as equals with state legislators. ALEC has claimed that more than 1,000 of its bills are introduced each year. In one mailing to its corporate funders, and…
…charging a fee for, or otherwise regulating plastic bags is part of a national strategy by corporate interests and groups they fund, like ALEC to override progressive policy gains at…
…parents can choose a school that they regard as best for their child. Thanks to the work of the Koch-funded ALEC, David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity, and the DeVos-funded American…
…in 2014—the week has grown rapidly through the backing of advocacy groups and deep pockets of funders focused on promoting charters, vouchers, and tax credits that aid private schools, including…
…has documented Exxon funding for ALEC at least as early as 1981. This funding makes ExxonMobil one of ALEC’s biggest financial supporters as ALEC has promoted legislation, resolutions, presentations, and…
…the face of criticism for its assault on the civil rights movement, the John Birch Society also funded a scholarship program to give college funds to African Americans who were…
…Project, which has received funding from DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund and of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, a project of the Bradley-funded Claremont Institute) Becket Fund for Religious Liberty…
…press in recent months for acknowledging that they help fund NACDL (the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers), which does much more than promote better funding for underpaid public defenders…
…other corporations fund ALEC’s operations generally or fund the travel of lawmakers: Chair’s Level ($50,000) PhRMA State Policy Network Convention of States Vice Chair’s Level ($25,000) Altria Conservation Leadership Council*…
…on legislation that has already passed in Utah. This bill prescribes a $75,000,000 funding scheme for technology in schools that would siphon funds for public schools and mandate those funds…