…a backgrounder on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the state chambers of commerce. Here is CMD’s press release summarizing key information about the materials. Here is some analysis of…
Highlights of Luntz Poll of American CEOs Shows Broad Support for Progressive Policies
…of commerce get on message about the national political agenda of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the largest and most influential lobbying forces in America. According to its…
Exposed: Most CEOs Support Paid Sick Leave, Increased Minimum Wage, and More But Chamber Lobbyists Told How to “Combat” These Measures
…to the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) reveals top GOP pollsters instructing Chamber of Commerce lobbyists to ignore internal survey data showing that Chamber members across the country overwhelmingly…
WAR on Voters: Big Money Streams into WI Supreme Court Race with No Disclosure
…and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), have yet to report any spending on the current race. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is not the only group that suspects these groups are…
Flint Is a Casualty in the Right Wing’s War on Local Democracy
…local democracy in Michigan, which has been orchestrated by a network of “think tanks” and committees backed by the billionaire DeVos family, the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, the Kochs, and…
ALEC Exposed: Corporate Polluters Undermining Clean Power in Virginia
…not let polluter profits and ALEC’s pay-to-play agenda stand in the way of these crucial protections.” This session, Virginia lawmakers have introduced three bills and amended the state budget in…
Barring Plastic Bag Bans, another ALEC Law Takes Aim at Local Democracy
…and Commerce (WMC) is the state chapter of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Wisconsin Restaurant Association (WRA) is the state chapter of the National Restaurant Association; both national…
Cashing in on Kids: 172 ALEC Education Bills Push Privatization in 2015
…and by for-profit corporations like K12 Inc., which was founded by junk-bond king Michael Milliken. ALEC’s education task force has pushed legislation for decades to privatize public schools, weaken teacher’s…
Reporters’ Guide: Federal Contractors with History of OSHA Violations Battle New Safety Rules
…lead public policy organization of chief human resource officers.” Both associations have taken strong stands in the media, congressional testimony, and lobbying asserting that the EO is unnecessary because, according…
Koch-Fueled Playbook against Working Families Exposed by CMD
…what they want in federal, state, and local elections and the changes to our laws that come with victory. David and Charles Koch’s billionaires’ club–dubbed the “Freedom Partners Chamber of…