…promotes the transfer of federal lands to states, claiming that revenues from taxes and fees will rapidly flow to states. And yet another study criticizes the Renewable Portfolio Standards in…
Weaponized Philanthropy: Document Trove Details Bradley Foundation’s Efforts to Build Right-Wing “Infrastructure” Nationwide
…writes approvingly (WILL, Grant Proposal Record, 11/10/2015). Remarkably, Grebe also gave Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Foundation Inc. $600,000 in 2011-2012 for unknown purposes (Barder Fund, August 18, 2015, Table 2)….
Who’s Behind the Billionaire PAC Targeting Elizabeth Warren?
…2014,” Reed added. America Rising’s backers would stand to lose some cushy tax breaks and regulatory favors if the progressive policies advocated by Sen. Warren were enacted. For her part,…
Dark Justice
…years combined. Gorsuch’s dissents gave him the opportunity to take a tough stand against workers, in the now-infamous “frozen trucker” case; blast the NLRB, a favorite target of the corporate…
The Koch Caucus Continues Its Assault on Healthcare
…American healthcare. The Koch brothers have contributed large sums of money to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and have invested heavily in the “Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce,” an…
Gorsuch Would Move the Supreme Court in the Wrong Direction on Money in Politics
…at a boutique D.C. corporate law firm representing corporate clients—including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce—in anti-trust, class action, and securities lawsuits, before briefly joining the Department of Justice under George…
Utilities Cementing Influence with GOP Leadership Via Fundraisers
…of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Greg Walden, and an evening event benefiting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Sponsors of the event will pay $5,000 each according to the…
Pruitt Emails Show Close Ties to the Koch-Funded ALEC
…Chamber of Commerce claim that agencies like EPA are “regulating” outside the normal rule making process when they are sued by environmentalist groups, like Greenpeace and Sierra Club, for not…
Secret Scott Walker John Doe Leak Inquiry Underway
…the bi-partisan group of district attorneys who initiated the probe to stand down, and ordered the special prosecutor to “permanently destroy all copies of information and other materials obtained through…
John Humphries: Schooled by Team Walker, Betsy DeVos and ALEC
…to be policy director of the Greater Milwaukee Committee when Grebe was chair. He also reportedly worked for Smart Government Inc., which was for a time the registered lobbyists for…