…values from the S&P 500. This tide of corporate quitters includes some of the most highly valued companies in the United States and the world, such as Alphabet Inc. (parent…
AT&T Drops ALEC for Hosting Hate Speech
…letter of protest to ALEC’s largest corporate backers, including AT&T, urging them to “make it clear that [they] will not stand for the sort of toxic, inflammatory claims ALEC has…
The Koch Brothers’ Freedom Partners Group Spends $115.2 Million in 2017
The billionaire Koch brothers’ primary fundraising vehicle called the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, raised $127.3 million and spent over $115 million in 2017 according to an IRS 990 disclosure…
After Bright Blue Wave, Wisconsin’s Gerrymandered Legislature Already Up to Dirty Tricks
…to try and rig the process, but it’s clear the people of our state are no longer going to stand for it,” said Chheda. But the dirty tricks may not…
Koch Brothers Are Watching You: And New Documents Reveal Just How Much They Know
…messages during “regular” television broadcasts. Over the last decade, big data and microtargeting have revolutionized political communications. And the Kochs, who are collectively worth $120 billion, now stand at the…
National Right to Work Committee Mailer Backs Vukmir
…Act would amend the 1946 Hobbs Act to make it a federal crime for union protestors to obstruct, delay, or affect commerce through violence or threats or by “use of…
Reporters Memo: Coke and Pepsi Play Hardball in Attempt to Prevent the Spread of Soda Taxes
…Arizona Retailers Association, Arizona Restaurant Association, Arizona Beverage Association, Arizona Food Marketing Alliance, and Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the Arizona Association of Food Banks. CMD…
Verizon Dumps ALEC, Denounces Speaker as Racist
…stand for the sort of toxic, inflammatory claims ALEC has embraced” and leave ALEC. “Our company has no tolerance for racist, white supremacist or sexist comment or ideals,” Verizon spokesperson…
Goldwater Institute’s Influence Apparent in AZ Supreme Court Decision to Strike Down Prop. 207
…initiative would have provided $690 million more per year for Arizona’s revenue-starved schools, but the Court sided with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce’s technical challenge to wording in the ballot…
Heavy-Handed Industry Maneuver to Crush Soda and Grocery Taxes Is on Oregon Ballot
…amendment that would not just impact soda taxes but can be read as prohibiting taxes at all stages in the chain of commerce, permanently preventing the state and its cities…