…Multiple federal courts have rejected the government lawyers’ assertion of attorney-client privilege in relation to their politician bosses, even if the boss is the President. “Government attorneys stand in a…
DonorsTrust Bankrolled Right-Wing Judicial Appointments, Trump’s Acting AG, and Lobbying Front Groups in 2017
…Initiative, Concerned Veterans for America, and Generation Opportunity — received $958,700 in 2017, $125,000 of which was designated for “Wisconsin AFPF Issue Education.” Stand Together, the Koch’s “venture philanthropy” outfit,…
American Federation of Teachers Targets Mass Incarceration, Private Prison Profiteers
…on increasing the number of people of color in detention often under conditions that violate their human rights,” and backs up these strong words with disturbing detail. Teachers Stand Up…
Koch Kumbaya: The Billionaire Industrialists Appropriate Frederick Douglass, Pledge to “Do Right”
…have rankled the free marketers. The Kochs unveiled a new coalition of businesses, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Retail Federation, the National Restaurant Association, that agreed to…
Meet Scott Beightol: Anti-Worker Corporate Lawyer and Scott Walker’s Lame Duck Pick for UW Board of Regents
…look to Scott as their outside general counsel to ensure legal compliance of their operations and initiatives.” In practice, handling “people issues” means that Beightol has helped companies and chambers…
Corporate Front Group, American Council on Science and Health, Smears List of Its Enemies as “Deniers for Hire”
…elections. It calls the Organic Consumers Association — which has long pushed for strict organic standards disavowing GMOs, radiation, and sludge — an “industry front group.” Smeared by the site…
ALEC’s New Union-Busting Toolkit Illustrates the Goal Is to Bankrupt Unions Not Protect Workers
…Union Legislative Toolkit” marked “draft” and dated August 2018, is authored by ALEC’s Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force along with anti-union zealot “Vinnie” Vernuccio of Michigan’s Mackinac Center….
Michigan GOP Defies Voters, Rams ALEC, Koch Priorities Through Lame-Duck Session
…make $4 per hour by 2030. These changes hand a Christmas present to the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and Michigan Restaurant Association, which opposed the wage hikes on the grounds…
Truckers Run Over Railroads at ALEC
…a resolution backed by corporate members UPS and FedEx encouraging Congress to allow twin (double) 33-foot trailers on the road. UPS’s Frank Morris is the “Private Chair” of the Commerce,…
Dispatches from COP 24 Climate Change Summit in Poland
…rulebook to do what they couldn’t do in Paris — completely remove any recognition of their greater responsibilities. –Asad Rehman, Director of War on Want We stand on the brink…