…Chamber of Commerce. Suing the Governor The DeVos family’s money helped portray Whitmer as a tyrant in other ways as well. Another major beneficiary of DeVos family donations is the…
ALEC Board Member Reveals Kansas Partisan Gerrymandering Plan to Donors
…ID and Stand Your Ground bills in the past, which was disbanded in April 2012 in the face of intense public scrutiny. At the 2019 Annual Meeting, ALEC held two…
Delaware GOP Sticks with Senate Candidate Who Backs White Nationalist Group and QAnon
…thugs to “stand back and stand by.” In the same debate, amidst a torrent of lies about voter fraud, Trump called on supporters to become poll watchers, a practice that…
Trump Megadonors, Freedom Caucus, and CEOs Bankroll QAnon-Supporting, Extremist Candidates
…role in QAnon indoctrination, according to tech investor and author Roger McNamee. “QAnon is turning into an aggregator for standard right-wing talking points, part of their new ‘camouflage’ strategy to…
House Testimony: Postmaster Louis DeJoy Should Be Fired or Resign
…as our democracy and plays a vital role in the necessities of daily life, in our communities and streams of commerce, and in the proper functioning of our Republic. The…
Right-Wing Groups Oppose Historic Illinois Progressive Income Tax Ballot Measure
…the Koch-funded Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, with other right-wing foundations chipping in, was $97 million in 2018. AFP initially opposed the 2019 legislation that allowed for the ballot measure,…
Facing Increased Scrutiny, TikTok Gave Money to State Attorneys General Groups
…hundreds of member companies, and TikTok is among them,” a TikTok spokesperson told CMD. “We work to help lawmakers understand our company and answer their questions.” Through June 30, the…
ALEC and GOP Push Corporate Immunity From COVID-19 Workplace Illnesses and Deaths
…that ALEC has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of Independent Businesses, and Senate Republicans to push for sweeping limits on the civil liability of employers for coronavirus-related…
ALEC Exploits Pandemic to Push Right-Wing Policy Goals at Annual Meeting
…does not address those policies. Most notoriously, ALEC’s Stand Your Ground model bill, brought to the organization by the National Rifle Association, has resulted in numerous killers avoiding conviction, including…
American Legislative Exchange Council Backs Trump on Confederate Monuments, Policing
Eight years after disbanding its task force on Public Safety & Elections due to controversy over its “Stand Your Ground” and voter ID legislation, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)…