…opponent, Russ Feingold. Thet action fund’s nonprofit affiliate, the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, now called the Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, was characterized by Politico as “the Koch brothers’…
Gerrymandered Districts Give GOP the Advantage as Lawmakers Prepare to Draw New Lines
…state chambers to draw new voting districts. Fresh off of the 2020 elections in which Republicans kept all their legislative majorities and took control of chambers in New Hampshire and…
ALEC’s Pennsylvania Leaders Lobby to Overturn 2020 Election Results in Last-Minute Effort
…of a similar task force that was disbanded in 2012 due to controversy over “stand your ground” legislation and the tragic murder of Trayvon Martin. The retired task force pushed…
Koch Fought the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Ten 2020 House Races
…member of the Chamber. The leadership [of the group] should be replaced.” When the Chamber announced its endorsements, “President Trump reportedly asked U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue if…
ALEC Holds Virtual States and National Policy Summit
…Reform Act Resolution Supporting the United States in Signing a Bilateral Trade Agreement with Taiwan Resolution Urging Congress to Reassert Its Constitutional Authority over International Commerce Statement of Principles on…
DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Pumped at Least $90 Million into Right-Wing Causes in 2019
…and congressional districts next year. Outside of SPN, the largest DonorsTrust infrastructure grant of $2.4 million went to Certell, Inc., an Indiana-based nonprofit that creates and distributes online courses and…
Watchdog Group Files Suit Against Ohio AG Dave Yost for Withholding Records of Dealings with Powerful Influence Groups
…be allowed to stand,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director. “RAGA and RLDF literally sell access to Republican AGs for powerful corporations and exert tremendous influence over the actions of…
Voters Pass Economic Justice Measures Despite Corporate Opposition
…salary increases. The tax increase was opposed by a host of business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the National Federation…
Cities and States Strengthen Clean Energy and Tax Oil in 2020 Ballot Measures
…a renewable portfolio standard into the state constitution appears to have passed with roughly 58 percent approval. Question 6 sets a 50 percent renewable portfolio standard by 2030, requiring utilities…
Right-Wing Catholic Group Spends Millions Attacking Biden, a Catholic, as an Existential Threat
…contributor Stephen Herreid makes the misleading claim that “Biden supports abortion up to the time of birth.” “We…stand by our criticism of Joe Biden’s abortion up to birth position, recently…