…Long, who is also kissing Trump’s ring in hopes of an endorsement. In its endorsement, AFP Action said that “Schmitt is the proven leader we need to stand against Washington’s…
Bari Weiss’ New “Fiercely Independent” University Closely Tied to Right-Wing Koch Network
…senior director of foundation and member partnerships at Stand Together, Koch’s “venture philanthropy” endeavor. Niall Ferguson, another founding UATX trustee, is also an adviser to the Cicero Institute. UATX did…
Koch Spent Nearly $150 Million in 2020 to Extend His Influence and Promote His Agenda
…the Charles Koch Foundation’s Ryan Stowers and Stand Together‘s Brian Hooks. The Catholic University of America received the second largest grant of $3.4 million, a puzzling donation from a “libertarian.”…
ALEC Voter Suppressors Square Off in GOP Primary for Arizona Secretary of State
…Pinnacle West, Freeport-McMoran, Southwest Gas, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, and utility Salt River Project. Finchem and Bolick both sponsored Arizona’s bill HB 2905, signed by the governor in July,…
Republican AGs Expand Their Pay-to-Play Operation
…Fund, Koch Industries, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, fossil fuel, telecom, and drug companies, and the National Rifle Association. Along with its 501(c)(4) affiliate the Rule of Law Defense Fund…
ALEC Leaders Boast About Anti-Abortion, Anti-Trans Bills
…stand. Rapert announced on Twitter that he would “update [NACL’S] law to mirror the Texas SB8 bill” and presented the NACL model bill as the standard. Sen. Brian Hughes, the…
Here’s Who Funds the Right-Wing American Legislative Exchange Council
…assertion that, after blowback stemming from its work on racist voter ID laws and “stand your ground” gun law, it stays out of social issues, ALEC is working hard to…
ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting
After the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) faced a public backlash and exodus of corporate members over its promotion of controversial and racist voter ID and “stand your ground” gun…
Companies That Publicly Opposed Voter Suppression Continue to Fund Voter Suppression Group
…upon all Americans to join us in taking a nonpartisan stand for this most basic and fundamental right of all Americans,” it concluded. At least seven companies that signed the…
At Least 100 ALEC Lawmakers Signed Letter Opposing Worker Protections in PRO Act
…CMD shows that ALEC is working in lockstep with the billionaire Charles Koch’s astroturf group Americans for Prosperity, the Koch-linked front group Independent Women’s Voice, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,…