…$441 million. Over $42 Million in Right-Wing Infrastructure Funding DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund gave a combined total of $42.6 million in 2019 to national and state-based policy and advocacy…

Investigating Power
…$441 million. Over $42 Million in Right-Wing Infrastructure Funding DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund gave a combined total of $42.6 million in 2019 to national and state-based policy and advocacy…
…to our democracy,” the letter states. “If ever there were a time for the nation’s bar associations to speak out for the rule of law, it is now,” writes Lauren…
…close to $700,000 against the amendment, included the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, which donated $202,000, the National Restaurant Association ($100,000), the Caldwell Trust Company ($50,000), McLure Properties ($30,000), the…
…polling, the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign appear to be increasingly relying on a plot to invalidate potentially millions of votes in those states after Election Day. The…
…National Catholic Reporter implicitly endorsed Biden, listing many problems created or exacerbated by Trump and urging readers to “vote their conscience.” It also opposed the Supreme Court nomination of Amy…
…ordinary workers did not fare as well. From mid-March to mid-September, the collective work income of rank-and-file private-sector employees declined by 3.5%, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics national data….
…peak of new daily COVID-19 cases. Cases were dropping by the day but still quite high. At the time, Michigan had the fourth-highest number of coronavirus cases in the nation….
…into their districts, thereby making the rest of the map whiter and more conservative,” David Daley reported. Then, at its December 2019 States and Nation Policy Summit, ALEC attendees learned…
…do with money. This is an interesting comparison. National Federation of Independent Businesses, until it filed the NFIB v. Sebelius case, had its biggest donation ever of $21,000. In the…
…a multi-million dollar ad campaign in support of Barrett’s confirmation. As the Washington Post documented, during the fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination she had an office just down the hall…