…aspire toward–while attacking Roosevelt‘s New Deal policies, programs his most prominent sons have assailed and sought to undermine in this modern era. As CMD wrote in 2014: “Some women and…
Right-Wing Network Puts Friedrichs v. California Teachers in Samuel Alito’s Lap
…SPN) The Cato Institute (Koch network) Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions (Koch network, SPN) National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center (Koch network, DT/DCF) National Right to…
Scott Walker’s Legacy of Double-Dealing for Friends and Donors Revealed in New John Doe Emails
…the auspices of Judge Barbara Kluka focusing on the Walker campaign’s potentially illegal coordination with independent big money groups. Prosecutors were looking at both express advocacy groups and so-called issue…
GOP Creates Perverse Online Voter Registration, Making It Harder for People to Vote
…voter drives by nonpartisan, good government groups like the League of Women Voters. An Online Voter Registration Bill Makes it Harder to Vote? Twenty-five states have electronic voting and the…
WI GOP Begins Retroactive Decriminalization of Scott Walker Fundraising
…isn’t campaign finance at all. Wisconsin should inaugurate new chapters in the statutes including “Facilitating Secret Money in Wisconsin Elections” and “Protecting Politicians from Independent Oversight and Accountability.” The Supreme…
How SPN “Think Tanks” Will Spin ALEC’s 2016 Agenda
…coal plants. This week, SPN will hold two separate sessions attacking the Clean Power Plan rules, with presentations from groups like the Koch-backed Independent Women’s Forum and the coal industry…
Richard Berman Misleads on Restaurant Opposition to Higher Wages
…he would create one featuring the International Franchise Association, the American Hotel and Lodging Association, the National Federation of Independent Business, the National Restaurant Association, and the Job Creators Network….
Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year
…National Federation of Independent Business, David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity, the non-union contractors’ trade association Associated Builders and Contractors, and state-level right-wing “think tanks” affiliated with the State Policy Network….
Jeb Bush Addressed Secret Coal Industry Retreat
…obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and shared with the Guardian. The event, dubbed the “Coal & Investment Leadership Forum,” which started Sunday and goes through Tuesday,…
Kochs, Corps, and Monsanto Trade Group Have Bankrolled Group Attacking Dr. Oz
…factory farming. ACSH poses as an independent science-based organization devoted to outing “junk science,” but consumer advocates have called it “a consumer front organization for its business backers” that “glove[s]…