…The super PAC also states that since “it is not involved with independent expenditures” and “will not be engaged in paid media,” coordination is permitted. But the attorneys at the…

Investigating Power
…The super PAC also states that since “it is not involved with independent expenditures” and “will not be engaged in paid media,” coordination is permitted. But the attorneys at the…
…spin doesn’t stop there. The Guardian reporting indicates that Walker and top aides used the “independent” electioneering group, Wisconsin Club for Growth as a pot of secret money for the…
…grope women. When you’re a star, “they let you do anything,” said Trump. The following day, Ryan rescinded Trump’s invitation to his annual “Fall Fest” in his congressional district. But…
…commission created after the Wisconsin GOP dismantled the fully independent Government Accountability Board which helped launch an investigation of Governor Walker and dark money groups known as the John Doe….
…that the group had pumped some $10 million in Wisconsin, but the independent watchdog group, the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, could only account for a few million, which AFP spent on…
…states is that coordination between candidates and outside political spenders converts otherwise “independent” expenditures into campaign contributions subject to limits and disclosure. In legalizing independent expenditures by corporations in Citizens…
…Walker and dark money groups that were supposed to operate independently of his campaign. John Doe Judge Fails on Expenditure Coordination The Wisconsin John Doe investigation was started by a…
…whether campaign money was channeled through a purportedly “independent group” in order to circumvent state and federal rules that set limits on political contributions and require them to be publicly…
…Friess or of actually independent women? The public evidence shows it’s a man’s world, masquerading as the voice of independent women. Read more articles about the Independent Women’s Forum here….
The Independent Women’s Forum and its 501(c)(4) affiliate, the Independent Women’s Voice, market themselves to the media and voters as “non-partisan,” “independent,” and “neutral.” However, a new investigation of the…