…Society board member and Scalia Law School donor C. Boyden Gray. Congress made the CFPB independent to protect it from the corrupting influences of big business, and now these very…
Fox in the Henhouse: Koch-Backed Opponent of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Chairs Taskforce to Evaluate Its Regulations
…Numerous Koch-backed groups have filed amicus briefs in the case including the Cato Institute and Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), arguing that the CFPB’s independent structure violates the separation of powers…
Private Prison Giant GEO Group Gives to Super PAC Backing Susan Collins
…campaign finance disclosures. 1820 PAC also got $150,000 from the Society of Young Women Scientist and Engineers LLC, a Hawaii-based entity that appears to be a shell company created to…
Charles Koch’s Political Operation Readies for 2020 Election: New PAC Report
…Action spent $2.9 million in last the quarter and $3 million for the year on federal campaign activity, including independent expenditure campaigns on behalf of GOP incumbent senators, digital media…
Pence to Speak at Madison School Choice Event
…campaign to seed “500 new schools, programs and education tools across the country.” Pence will appear at another school choice event in Pennsylvania next week before speaking at a Women…
Right-Wing Megadonors Are Financing Media Operations to Promote Their Ideologies
…sniff her out. American Media Institute—$6.1 million The American Media Institute bills itself as an independent investigative news service, but from 2015-16, Donors Trust, Donors Capital Fund, the John William…
Koch-Favored DonorsTrust Keeps Funding Anti-Muslim and Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups
…direct support for Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum by some of our country’s largest philanthropic institutions should cause alarm.” “The Middle East Forum is perhaps the largest purveyor of disinformation…
Group Behind Wisconsin Voter Purge Lawsuit Has Strong GOP Ties
…of Women Voters filed suit in federal court to prevent the purge, arguing that it would violate voters’ constitutional rights to due process, and the Republican-dominated legislature asked the federal…
Koch Funds Groups Supporting Lawsuit Against Donor Transparency
…brief with the Independent Women’s Forum and the Philanthropy Roundtable. The People United for Privacy website is set up with no reference as to who maintains it. At the most…
Some of America’s Biggest Corporations Help Finance Anti-Impeachment Ads
…that spent $138 million on independent expenditures in the 2018 elections. That cycle, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson donated a combined $50 million to CLF. CLF receives funding from American Action…