…was registered in April 2015 by Lorri Pickens, a former associate director of state operations for David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity (AFP) astroturf organization. A well-connected right-wing operative with a…
Flint Is a Casualty in the Right Wing’s War on Local Democracy
March 29, 2016–How did an American city’s water end up being poisoned with lead? This month’s hearing in Congress about the crisis in Flint, Michigan shed more heat than light…
ALEC Exposed: Corporate Polluters Undermining Clean Power in Virginia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, March 24, 2016 Contact: Kate Addleson, (703) 963-5800, kate.addleson@sierraclub.org Report Reveals the Dangerous Influence of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) on Climate Policy in Virginia…
Lawyer Tormenting Scientists Revealed Working For Coal Company
…the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), where Chris Horner is also a Senior Legal Fellow. Both Arch and Alpha also fund the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), another…
CMD Calls on ALEC to Disclose Information during Sunshine Week
…the spirit of national Sunshine Week, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) has written a letter to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its state chairs (see list)…
Barring Plastic Bag Bans, another ALEC Law Takes Aim at Local Democracy
…was registered by the American Chemistry Council, the trade association for chemical manufacturers that merged with the American Plastic Councils in 2002. APBA also directs visitors to bagtheban.com, a site…
House Republicans Get Secret Briefing from Koch Veterans Group
…the State Policy Network (SPN), which is part of the infrastructure tied to the Koch-fueled American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). SPN is a network of state-branded groups that purport to…
Cashing in on Kids: 172 ALEC Education Bills Push Privatization in 2015
…parents can choose a school that they regard as best for their child. Thanks to the work of the Koch-funded ALEC, David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity, and the DeVos-funded American…
Koch-ALEC Right to Work Power Play Exposed in a Small Illinois Village
…to the Koch network of institutions, including $150,000 to the Kochs’ Americans for Prosperity group. In 2014, AFP returned the favor, attacking his opponent Democrat Pat Quinn. After taking office,…
Ohio Charter School Scandal Grows as Kasich Ascends National Stage
…resigned as head of the Ohio Office of Quality School Choice. During his time as NACSA’s top lobbyist, Hansen represented the organization at meetings of the American Legislative Exchange Council…