…stop the privatization of public schools, and help mitigate climate change. Opposition to these initiatives is fierce and growing and often nationally-driven and coordinated by the American Legislative Exchange Council…
U.S. Chamber Works Behind the Scenes to Gut Whistleblower Protections
…efforts through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to discourage states from pursuing fraud claims. The False Claims Act (FCA) allows the government to recover from businesses that defraud government…
Secret Money Advocates Prepare to Unload on Milwaukee DA John Chisholm
…lieutenant in that same police department wants to be our sheriff.” The ads had a big impact in predominantly African-American wards in the city. But Clarke, who is African-American, is…
Exposed by CMD: KIPP’s Efforts to Keep the Public in the Dark while Seeking Millions in Taxpayer Subsidies
…ago for dumping the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after Google dumped ALEC for its climate change denial and obstruction. Should Americans be concerned that a foreign multinational corporation is…
DCI Group Subpoenaed in Expanding Exxon Climate Denial Investigation
…groups including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). CMD has documented Exxon’s grants to ALEC and that group’s work to promote climate change denial in a letter sent to the…
ALEC Touted “Transparency” in Pushing for the Panama Free Trade Agreement
…public scrutiny. But it also exposes the bankruptcy of the promises of transparency and better governance that helped corporate interest groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) sell the…
Colorado’s Not Quite Independent Oversight of Charter Schools
…children are facing many budget challenges—due in part to continuing problems caused by the “TABOR” law, a controversial budget law peddled by the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a…
Unmasking the Chamber of Commerce Networks
This week, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) unveiled new documents showing the role that lobbyists for state chambers of commerce play in thwarting measures that American workers and,…
Highlights of Luntz Poll of American CEOs Shows Broad Support for Progressive Policies
When considering American CEOs as a category, “empathetic” is not the first word that comes to mind. Yet, the fact that these top executives have empathy for their workers is…
Exposed: Most CEOs Support Paid Sick Leave, Increased Minimum Wage, and More But Chamber Lobbyists Told How to “Combat” These Measures
…frontlines of the local opposition, working with other local affiliates of the National Restaurant Association, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, and other corporate trade groups to slow or stop…