…Not only is Sessions’ impartiality being questioned, his honesty to Congress and the American people has been thrown into doubt. Sessions must not only recuse himself from future investigations into…
Pruitt Office Releases 7K Pages in CMD Request on Ties to Industry
…fuel industry.” Among the documents released late yesterday, CMD has found: The oil and gas lobby group American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) coordinated opposition in 2013 to both the…
What’s in the Pruitt Emails with Coal, Oil, and Gas Corps
…to file comments on an EPA protection aimed at addressing air pollution. Americans for Prosperity praising Pruitt for his anti-environmental work This email was sent by the Koch-funded Americans for…
…fuel industry.” Among the documents released late yesterday, CMD has found: The oil and gas lobby group American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) coordinated opposition in 2013 to both the…
John Humphries: Schooled by Team Walker, Betsy DeVos and ALEC
…up a weekly call with RGA. Educated by American Majority, Eric O’Keefe’s Candidate Bootcamp Bradley also bankrolls is a little known group called, American Majority, who helped prepare Humphries for…
ALEC Embraces Trumpism
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, love is in the air as the American Legislative Exchange Council cozies up to the Real Donald. ALEC and Trump are unlikely lovers. One…
Republicans Are Fundraising Off America’s Healthcare Misery
…million Americans who would otherwise not have it. Public health professors Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein are nonpartisan observers who are longtime proponents of a single-payer system and critics of…
Lawsuit Filed Against Trump Nominee Scott Pruitt for Polluter Emails
…Instead of complying with the law, he has stonewalled public interest groups, the United States Senate, and the American people,” said Ryan Kiesel, ACLU of Oklahoma Executive Director. “Pruitt’s refusal…
Don’t Let Them Smear Us as “Fake News”
…DeVos, who has used ALEC to redirect tax dollars from public schools to private operations, hurting opportunities for American kids in public schools, and Rex Tillerson‘s Exxon, which used ALEC…
Charles Koch Ramps Up Higher Ed Funding to Fuel ‘Talent Pipeline’
…into easily digestible policy proposals. Koch-funded advocacy organizations such as his astroturf group “Americans for Prosperity” promote these initiatives to the American people and to legislative bodies. And a web…