ExxonMobil, the largest oil and gas company in the world, will not renew its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after a split within the corporate lobbying group…
Democrats Reintroduce DISCLOSE Act to Combat Dark Money “Poison”
…ten” Americans do not have faith in our democratic institutions due to the influence of money-in-politics, Whitehouse said. He emphasized that Americans want to have a government that “works for…
Trump’s Supreme Court Strikes Blow to Government Workers, Good Paying Jobs
…means of undermining unions who were organizing black and white workers together in the same shop. Predictably, Koch brothers groups–such as Americans for Prosperity, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),…
The West Coast Soda Wars Threaten to Engulf the Nation
…health threat. In a June 2017 article in the American Journal of Public Health, Jennifer Pomeranz of New York University’s College of Global Public Health and Mark Pertschuk of Grassroots…
Teamsters Vote to Authorize a Strike at UPS
…Congress last fall will result in higher wages for American workers. UPS is a member of the American Exchange Legislative Council (ALEC), the corporate-funded group where global corporations and state…
ALEC’s Deadly Asbestos Agenda Benefits Koch Industries, Nationwide
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) named Missouri Republican state Rep. Bruce DeGroot as a “Legislator of the Week” in June. Why is ALEC so fond of DeGroot? Because he…
Democracy on the March in the Badger State: 10 Democrats Vie to Take on Scott Walker
…the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising, was the first of the 10 to speak. Roys, 38, made it clear that she thought it was time “for a new generation of leaders” in…
Harley-Davidson Insiders Hog Tax Cut Revenue
When Speaker Paul Ryan pushed the Jobs and Tax Cut Act of 2017, which lowered corporate tax rates from 35 to 21 percent, he promised American workers “more jobs, fairer…
Who are the 2018 Koch Candidates?
…in the 2016 election cycle, but ended up spending less after Trump won the Republican nomination. “We will be spending more than any midterm in our network history,” Americans for…
EPIC Fail: Supreme Court Turns Back the Clock to Strip Workers of Power
…paychecks. Economists agree that a key variable in the wage stagnation is the inability of the vast majority of American workers to join together to demand higher wages. Unionized workers…