…telling the Committee what the rest of the Senate and the American public can see–and Republicans are playing along. The coalition letters, embedded below, echo this concern and object to…
Common Cause Exposes ALEC Influence in Louisiana
…been pushed and enacted around the country at the behest of the right-wing Goldwater Institute and State Policy Network. The American Association of University Professors has criticized Goldwater’s approach as…
ALEC Drafts Model Resolution to Pat Itself on the Back
When the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) gathers for its annual meeting today at the fancy Hilton New Orleans Riverside hotel in New Orleans, it will mark the corporate-bill mill’s…
ALEC Sets the Table for Gerrymandering, Union Busting, Protecting Fossil Fuels, and Privatizing Schools
When the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) convenes its 45th annual meeting of legislators and corporate lobbyists at the swank Hilton New Orleans Riverside hotel on August 8, it will…
Reform Groups Call for a Criminal Investigation of the Trump Foundation
…Trump Foundation’s degree of involvement in a political campaign to be at a level he had never seen before. The letter is signed by American Family Voices, Americans for Tax…
‘Law and Order’ Trump Is Soft on Corporate Crime and Wrongdoing
…and women” from the scourge of “American carnage.” But even as the Trump administration ramps up “zero-tolerance” policies against street crimes and immigration, it has gone soft on enforcement policies…
Kochs Spread Wealth Widely on State Candidates
…and on its front groups, including Americans for Prosperity, Concerned Veterans for America, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Generation Opportunity, and The LIBRE Initiative. Koch Governors The Kochs continue to demonstrate…
American Beverage Association Sweetened the Pot in Cook County Race with Unsuccessful Last-Minute Funding
The American Beverage Association (ABA) spent $123,000 in just the last week of the March primary race for Cook County Commissioner and corporate lawyer Richard Boykin (D), Illinois campaign finance…
Book Review: The Fall of Wisconsin Is an Uplifting Read
A must-read on the summer book list is The Fall of Wisconsin: The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive Bastion and the Future of American Politics, by Dan Kaufman. This remarkable…
State Policy Network Unleashes Wave of Front Groups to Attack Public Union Membership
…union in order to drop out. (Note that Americans for Fair Treatment shares the same acronym as the American Federation of Teachers, the second largest teacher union.) The website does…