…put an end to Wisconsin’s role as a national petri dish for right-wing policies promulgated by the Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), including austerity budgeting, union-busting,…
ALEC’s Washington State Chair, Rep. Matt Shea, Referred to FBI for Circulating Holy War Manual
…war in the United States. Rep. Shea is the Washington State Chair for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and has served on its Civil Justice Task Force. Shea’s outline…
Schimel, Walker Went to Bat for Koch Brothers in Fight for Donor Secrecy
…are not available to the public, but California and a handful of other states require nonprofits to provide state regulators with a copy. The Koch’s American for Prosperity (AFP) Foundation…
ALEC-Backed Legislators Behind Suppressing Vote
…bill or a paycheck stub. ALEC, or the American Legislative Exchange Council, says it is nonpartisan, but is known as a powerful and secretive collaboration between big business and conservative…
National Right to Work Committee Mailer Backs Vukmir
…as a vice chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Vukmir co-sponsored a private-sector right-to-work bill that was a carbon copy of ALEC’s “model” bill. CMD exposed the bill…
Exxon Faces Consequences for Climate Denial
…American Petroleum Institute (API). The stated mission of the API plan was to “inform the American public that science does not support the precipitous actions Kyoto [International Climate Treaty] would…
Scott Walker Has a History of Signing Plagiarized ALEC Bills
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who has advocated for and signed binding legislation lifted without attribution from the corporate lobby shop known as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), is now…
Reporters Memo: Coke and Pepsi Play Hardball in Attempt to Prevent the Spread of Soda Taxes
Faced with a rising tide of data from the United States and around the world showing that soda taxes work to reduce consumption and improve public health, the soda industry…
ALEC Flaunts Trump Ties While Celebrating Its 45th Anniversary at POTUS’s DC Hotel
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will celebrate its 45th anniversary at Trump International Hotel tonight, fitting as the Trump administration maintains close ties to the corporate bill mill. Tickets…
Americans for Prosperity Lies in Recent Tennessee, Wisconsin TV Ads
The Kochs’ astroturf operation, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), has taken to the airwaves with two television attack ads in the highly competitive U.S. Senate races in Tennessee and Wisconsin. Both…