…was fraudulent as part of Trump’s desperate attempt to overturn the decisive vote of the American people. The letter, organized by the nonpartisan Lawyers Defending American Democracy, also calls on…
Koch Funding of Universities Topped $100 million in 2019
…funding, Koch has given to right-wing organizations that focus on youth movement building such as Young Americans for Liberty Foundation ($364,907), Young Voices ($92,423), Students for Liberty ($12,929), and many…
Voters Pass Economic Justice Measures Despite Corporate Opposition
…several trade groups, the anti-tax nonprofit Americans for Tax Reform, and the Charles Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) all opposed a ballot measure, Amendment 2, this year to amend the…
Coming Up Short in Hunt for Voter Fraud, Desperate Republicans Try to Pay For Evidence
…voting as they can. After a record number of Americans cast their ballots anyway in early voting and on Nov. 3, the effort went into overdrive, with GOP lawyers attempting…
Cities and States Strengthen Clean Energy and Tax Oil in 2020 Ballot Measures
…League of Conservation Voters, and the National Education Association. Voters in Columbus, Ohio overwhelmingly approved a measure requiring American Electric Power to offer net-100 percent renewable energy by 2023, making…
Voters Beware: The Right’s Scheme to Disqualify Thousands of Swing-State Votes
…political Right is working overtime to further disenfranchise potentially millions of Americans by preventing their legally-cast ballots from being counted. While Trump remains behind Biden in most crucial swing state…
Right-Wing Catholic Group Spends Millions Attacking Biden, a Catholic, as an Existential Threat
…messaging companies say they’re exempt from the consent requirement. The chairman of the American Principles Project super PAC is Fieler, who gave $200,000 this summer. The American Principle Project’s executive…
Secretive Council for National Policy Closely Tied to Trump
…to oppose school privatization.” Martin, Gold, Walton, and Ortiz are all active in the “Save Our Country” coalition formed in April and chaired by the American Legislative Exchange Council‘s (ALEC)…
Net Worth of Wisconsin Billionaires Jumps $11 Billion Since Pandemic
This post is adopted from and republished with permission from Citizens Action Wisconsin, Americans for Tax Fairness, Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, and Healthcare for America Now!. Wisconsin has eight…
GOP Politicians and Conservative Groups Set the Stage for Attempted Kidnapping of Michigan Governor
…political opponents. Trump and the Republican Party have engaged in racist abuses of power and assaults on core American values, such as attacks on immigrants, voter suppression, and ending the…