…than one in ten North Carolinians lacks health insurance. Yet, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) cites these as among the top five states in the country with the best…

Investigating Power
…than one in ten North Carolinians lacks health insurance. Yet, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) cites these as among the top five states in the country with the best…
…oil and gas industry. “Instead of giving a leg up to less reliable energy producers, we must unleash American energy. ESG isn’t an investment strategy. It’s a movement toward socialism,”…
…NCPPR has spearheaded a campaign it calls Stop Corporate Tyranny, which rails against “cancel culture” and accuses corporations of both allowing themselves to be weaponized against “traditional American values” and…
…2020. These net totals account for expenditures between the groups, without double counting. In this three-year period, Koch groups that are primarily focused on influencing American policy and politics accounted…
…protections it aims to undermine. The bills are authored by state politicians with strong ties to industry groups, fossil fuels interests, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the right-wing…
…media, Americans have become aware of how much market concentration the big four technology companies have achieved. Americans of all political parties agree that Big Tech companies like Apple, Amazon,…
…asbestos liability claims. At the end of January, a federal appeals court ruled that J&J could not shield itself from pending lawsuits arising from exposure to its now off-the-market baby…
…senators involved in the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to salvage the anti-union legislation the group helped pass more than a decade ago. Senate Bill 34, which passed on…
…of the bills’ specifics, both large and small, are lifted directly from the anti-union playbook of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a pay-to-play operation in which state legislators and…
…capitalism”—has been a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), according to the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). Research completed by CMD as part of its SFOF Exposed…