…tank supports. Check. Now cue up the marketing blitz for David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity. As the National Journal reported, “Americans for Prosperity is pushing for a right to work…

Investigating Power
…tank supports. Check. Now cue up the marketing blitz for David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity. As the National Journal reported, “Americans for Prosperity is pushing for a right to work…
…religious and for-profit ventures. In federal and state budgets, “school choice” policies often divert or reduce Americans’ tax dollars available for traditional public schools that educate our most underserved students…
…change denial through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). CMD believes this information is relevant to her office’s investigation into whether ExxonMobil deceived its shareholders and the public about the…
…a measure that made it harder for Americans to vote through ID restrictions following the election of President Barack Obama, the first African American to hold the nation’s highest office….
…million is 1929 dollars. 1930 By the spring, more than 3.1 million Americans are unemployed. 1931 In February, there are food riots, with starving Americans standing in breadlines at the…
…close interlocking ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). CMD first documented this anti-worker Koch-ALEC-SPN agenda in a 2013 report. Today, CMD obtained a rally flyer with the SPN…
…Anglo-American heritage” to protect white collar criminals from criminal prosecution—when the burdens of an unjust criminal justice system have largely fallen on non-Anglo-Americans—further indicates the divide between the corporate criminal…
…making in Paris at the United Nations convention on climate change happening at the same time as ALEC’s conference. From “model resolutions” opposing the climate action plan to “model policies”…
…groundwork for further efforts to undermine worker protections. There is no doubt that the American workforce is changing. America’s failed trade policies (enthusiastically backed by ALEC) have resulted in the…
…District Attorney’s office has “conducted a continuous campaign of harassment and intimidation against individuals and organizations in retaliation for their association with Scott Walker and their support for his policies,…