…McCain (R-AZ) joined Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) to argue in a brief: “The increase in partisan gerrymandering . . . distorts our representative democracy and pollutes Americans’ faith in their political…
Order John Nichols New Book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse Today!
Hot off the press is John Nichol’s new book HORSEMEN OF THE TRUMPOCALYPSE: A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America. The book details the wrecking crew with…
State Policy Network Attacks Public Sector Workers as Waters Rise in Texas
…Successful Pension Reform Strategies in the States Policies for the Forgotten American Worker Tools and Tactics to Pass Worker Voting Rights in Your State You can be sure that when…
Tough Trade Talk Fades as Trump and Pence Toe the Koch Line
When he was running for president, Donald Trump had very harsh words for deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the then-pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He called…
Infighting, Legal Questions Slow ALEC Push for Second Constitutional Convention
…request that the ALEC Board of Directors… revoke the membership of the Compact for America for attacking and undermining ALEC model Article V policies… Additionally, we request that the Board…
The ALEC Swampland
…by creatures of the past. ALEC pushes policies that take us back to a federal government sitting on the sidelines while people suffered and starved, drank contaminated water and sustained…
Big Coal Burns Bright at ALEC Conference
My ALEC Diary Day #1 The best part of my 9th American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conference so far was trying to get into the host hotel in Denver. When…
Save the Ice, or Lose the Rice
…ice. Mass Starvation The UK’s Special Representative for Climate Change, Sir David King, warns us that with current climate policies we risk simultaneous collapses of basic crop production in the…
Trump Team, ALEC, Koch Industries Debate Gerrymandering the U.S. Senate in Denver
…to use their clout to gerrymander the U.S. Senate. This week in Denver, July 19-21, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will welcome Republican state legislators and its corporate funders,…
Koch-Trained Pundit Says London Fire Isn’t Government’s Problem. Tell It to the Victims.
…Suderman has worked at a number of Koch-funded institutions, including the Competitive Enterprise Institute, American Future’s Foundation and now the Koch mag. “Reason.” Project S.H.A.M.E, which tracks conflicts of interest…