…‘Buy American’ policies so our tax dollars are reinvested to create jobs at home instead of being outsourced,” said Wisconsinite Lori Wallach, the director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch…
Koch’s New Super PAC Loses Six of Nine Incumbents in Key Targeted House Races
Announced in September with great fanfare, the Koch’s new super PAC, Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), achieved mixed results in the fifteen races it targeted in the 2018 midterm…
Wisconsin Nice Beats the Politics of Hate and the Scott Walker Money Machine
…put an end to Wisconsin’s role as a national petri dish for right-wing policies promulgated by the Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), including austerity budgeting, union-busting,…
Team Koch Steps Up Game with Veterans Astroturf Operation in 2018 Midterms
…the Koch machine. According to a Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) analysis of Federal Election Commission filings, Americans for Prosperity doing business as Concerned Veterans for America reported spending…
National Right to Work Committee Mailer Backs Vukmir
…in states with a robust union presence. Vukmir’s Anti-Labor Record Vukmir has a long record of supporting anti-union policies backed by NRTWC and other corporate-sponsored groups. In 2015, while serving…
Exxon Faces Consequences for Climate Denial
…use the American Legislative Exchange Commission (ALEC) to promote its climate denial policies and legislative agenda “in gross violation of ALEC’s 501(c)(3) charitable status.” The Industry Plan to Sow Doubt…
Koch Big Federal Election Spending a Mixed Bag So Far
…races with large expenditures, mostly for advertising by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), AFP Action, Freedom Partners Action Fund (FPAF), Concerned Veterans of America (CVA), and other Koch front groups in…
KochPAC “Pay to Play” Aims to Slow Solar, Renewables
…election in 2012. With Flake retiring from the Senate, no significant action is expected on this legislation this year, but the Kochs always have the money to push new policies….
Rep. Taylor and Center for Media and Democracy Rebuff Legal Threat from ALEC Speaker
…Muslims and progressives abhor America and American values”; and the Center for American Progress Action Fund labels Horowitz as one of the “leading lights of the Islamophobia network.” Researchers do…
Kochs Drop Millions for Walker, Back Republicans Across the Ballot in Wisconsin
…active voters; and on its front groups, including Americans for Prosperity, Concerned Veterans for America, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Generation Opportunity, and The LIBRE Initiative. Below is the full list…