…from the foundation in grants to climate skeptics in 2017. Charles Koch, billionaire owner of one of America’s biggest polluters Koch Industries, has also given to CO2 Coalition but an…

Investigating Power
…from the foundation in grants to climate skeptics in 2017. Charles Koch, billionaire owner of one of America’s biggest polluters Koch Industries, has also given to CO2 Coalition but an…
…funding climate denial groups. One of them is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which produces cookie-cutter “model bills” that are rolled out in state legislatures all across America. ALEC’s…
…in the library is some 55 pages out of the front of the old manual including the Introduction, General Policies and Procedures, and General Rules for Drafting and Revising. The…
…MacIver Institute, the Badger Institute, Media Trackers, American Majority, and others funded by Bradley as “infrastructure” to surround and support GOP politicians and policies. Michael Grebe, the long-time head of…
…American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its sister organization, the State Policy Network (SPN). DonorsTrust gave $422,000 to ALEC in 2017, up from $315,000 in 2016. ALEC is a pay-to-play…
…change and a better America,” he said with a straight face. Plus, it will harm the free speech rights of average Americans, “you would be a fool to speak about…
…has policies that look out for corporations’ “rights,” but not policies that discourage workplace discrimination. Notes: Trump’s controversial, U.S. Secretary of Labor, Alexander Acosta shown here, spoke at ALEC’s 2017…
…bipartisan criminal justice reform is making headlines, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has issued a report entitled “Private Prison Investment Risks” that provides a timely reminder of the perverse…
…failed to mention Koch Industries’ decades of support for policies, such as the American Legislative Exchange Council’s “Truth in Sentencing” bill, which spread to more than half the states and…
…passed a verbatim American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) “right to work” law in 2015 after a huge push by the Koch’s Americans for Prosperity group, Beightol cheered on the policy,…