…CEO, Noble Properties Inc. Richard Hayes, partner, Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP Allen Herbert, chairman, American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston George Hiller, president and CEO, George M. Hiller Companies, LLC…
Turning Point USA Seeks $43 Million to Escalate the Right’s Culture War in American Schools
…right-wing narrative that “young people are taught that America is fundamentally evil,” and “that American culture is rotten at its core,” and that this new effort is “America’s best hope…
ALEC Leaders Boast About Anti-Abortion, Anti-Trans Bills
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a pay-to-play network of conservative state lawmakers and business lobbyists that writes model legislation, claims that it no longer works on social policy. But…
GOP Megadonor Art Pope Plays Leading Role in GOP Gerrymandering Operation
When Fair Lines America, a nonprofit created in 2010 to promote the GOP’s gerrymandering efforts, created the Fair Lines America Foundation at the end of 2018 to funnel tax-exempt funds…
Here’s Who Funds the Right-Wing American Legislative Exchange Council
In a July interview with the Salt Lake Tribune preceding its annual meeting, Lisa Nelson, the CEO of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), claimed that her organization is fully…
Koch Network Fights to Stop Medicaid Expansion in Remaining States
…Education Association, the South Dakota State Medical Association, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, and the American Heart Association. Medicaid expansion in South Dakota would insure 27,800 non-elderly adults,…
Trump Die-Hards Launch MAGA Voter Suppression Center
The America First Policy Institute (AFPI), a nonprofit spin-off of the Trump administration established in April, launched a new “Center for Election Integrity” on August 19 at the Metro City…
Tea Party Patriots Are Behind Pro-Trump Doctors Grifting Off of Fake Covid Cures
…coronavirus. The primary doctor to emerge from these plans was Simone Gold, an emergency medical specialist who leads the doctor group, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLD), which has consistently spread misinformation…
ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting
…teaching about racism in America, and protect employers from COVID-related lawsuits. CMD obtained videos of the two “action sessions” at the meeting, titled, “Can the States Save America?” and “Saving…
ALEC Lied About Its Work on Election Suppression Bills
When a broad coalition of more than 300 civil rights and democracy reform groups called for corporations to ditch the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in June because of its…