President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency has resigned as chairman of a group critics say has helped attack the agency he’s been tapped to lead.
Research Cited
Corporate Education Nominee DeVos Faces Pushback from Dem Senators
As one U.S. senator denounces Betsy DeVos’ record in Michigan, six others are demanding President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Education Secretary untangle the “complicated web of political and not-for-profit organizations” she has spun over her career pushing a corporate education agenda nationwide.
Koch Brothers Are Out to Conquer the Countryside
It’s easy to become mesmerized by The Donald Show in this year’s political circus, but it’s time for progressives to focus on the outer rings, where the Koch brothers, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and their corporate cohorts have laid siege to our state governments.
House GOP Leader Has Price List for Donors
A donation of $100,000 will get you a one-on-one coffee with House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and access to more than a dozen other private political events throughout the year, according to a sliding scale menu of benefits for donors to the Louisiana congressman.
ALEC: The Organization That Allows Corporations To Write Legislation
The Big Brother role that corporations and the elite play in society may not come as a surprise to you. However, have you ever asked yourself, “How do they actually control the people within the government?”
The Coming Battle Between the Trump Team and Economists over the True Cost of Climate Change
As we learn more and more about the tenor of the Trump transition, a key part of its regulatory rollback strategy on climate change is coming into focus.
How to Teach High-School Students to Spot Fake News
Media literacy lessons aim to make teenagers savvier about what they read online.
Tipping the Scales in Debate over Minimum Wage
Journalists operate on an assumption: When facts and lies compete in the marketplace of ideas, facts win. The assumption was tested — and it failed.
Trump’s Energy Plan Sides With Wealthy Donors, Not Everyday Americans
The gap on climate action isn’t between Republicans and Democrats. It’s between wealthy Republicans and everyone else.
The Oil and Gas Industry Is Quickly Amassing Power in Trump’s Washington
After eight years of being banished and sometimes vilified by the Obama administration, the fossil fuel industry is enjoying a remarkable resurgence as its executives and lobbyists shape President-elect Donald Trump’s policy agenda and staff his administration.