In Wisconsin the Badger Institute can be relied upon to release reports showing a hike in the minimum wage is a terrible idea. Formerly known as the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, the group has received at least $14.2 million in funding from the conservative Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation including $375,000 in 2018, as the liberal Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) has reported.
Research Cited
University of Alaska Faces Budget Crisis
Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy’s decision to slash the state’s funding for the University of Alaska by nearly 41% has the academic and research community up in arms.
Your Right to Know: Lawsuit Put End to Abusive Practice
Wisconsin’s open records law applies to all records requests, big or small. But under former Attorney General Brad Schimel, the Wisconsin Department of Justice implemented a restrictive policy that limited access based on the number of potentially responsive emails.
RTD Publishes Utterly Dishonest Screed by Former VA Speaker Bill “ALEC” Howell on “Green New Deal”
From SourceWatch: “Speaker Howell is on the Board of Directors of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) as of September 2014 (and has been since 2003) and is the former National Chairman…In April 2012, Speaker Howell strongly defended ALEC at a press conference in Richmond, Virginia, saying that it had “been subjected to a six-month attack by liberal groups, including the Occupy movement, and billionaire George Soros.”
Dirty Front Groups Endanger Planet’s Present and Future Health
SourceWatch outlines the Center for Freedom and Prosperity’s strong ties to Koch-funded organizations such as the State Policy Network — a group that touts the free market as the panacea to all ills and rails against government regulation — and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporate bill mill.
Koch Brothers Gives Virginia Dems a Handy Guide for Several Districts We Need to Focus Our Time, Attention and Money On This Year
Thanks to our pals at the Koch brothers’ oxymoronic “Americans for Prosperity” and at The Bull Elephant for giving us a good shortlist (see below) of which Virginia Republicans we need to go all-out OPPOSING this year. First, a quick reminder — courtesy of SourceWatch — of how bad “Americans for Prosperity” is:
Getting the idea? In short, AfP is the worst of the worst; totally antithetical to anyone who cares about fighting for workers, the environment, healthcare, transit, good government, etc.
Revealed: Mobil Sought to Fight Environmental Regulation, Documents Show
“It’s extremely troubling,” Lisa Graves, president of the board of the Center for Media and Democracy, said.
“One of the primary rules for nonprofits is that they’re supposed to be in the public interest,” she said, “not for private benefits.”
This Billionaire Rebuilt Her Town — While Funding a Right-Wing Revolution in Her State
We talk to Stevenson and to Mary Bottari, a muckraker at the Center for Media and Democracy who has investigated Hendricks’s political donations, about how Hendricks has changed the state of Wisconsin, and whether the good she’s done for Beloit can ever make up for the harm (especially from the perspective of labor unions and their supporters) her political giving has done to the state’s workers.
Comcast Leaves Conservative ‘Think Tank’ Behind Voter ID, Stand-Your-Ground Laws
The Center for Media and Democracy, a nonprofit investigative news organization in Wisconsin, has published stories on ALEC since 2011, initially based on leaked documents. The group posts its research and stories online here.
With an ALEC membership, “Comcast got legislators behind closed doors,” David Armiak, research director at the Center for Media and Democracy, said on Friday. “ALEC would hold two meetings a year when state legislators from around the country came to fancy hotels and would meet” with Comcast and other companies.
Cap Times’ Evjue Foundation Gives $1.8 Million to Area Nonpofits and UW-Madison
Center for Media and Democracy — $5,000 to help defray expenses to research Bradley Foundation funding.