In fact, ALEC, which has included staffers of online for-profit school corporations among its leadership, has had a model bill called the Alternative Certification Act available for state legislators to adopt since 2005. As Brendan Fischer and Zachary Peters wrote at PR Watch, versions of the act were introduced in four states by 2016, including Wisconsin, which also surreptitiously added […]
Research Cited
Brittney Griner Unlawfully Detained in Russia
There has been much criticism recently of Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education Bill signed into law in April that appeared to follow Russia’s lead. But, it was revealed by The Center for Media and Democracy , a nonprofit that tracks the work of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), that the Parental Rights […]
Super fast internet service — from a mystery provider — coming as early as end of year
The local incumbents, Comcast, AT&T and Spectrum, even got support from the Washington, D.C.-based so-called Taxpayers Protection Alliance, which sent a representative from the nation’s capitol to warn city council members they would be using taxpayer resources “to build out redundant infrastructure.” Sourcewatch classifies the alliance as “an advocacy front group” that is part of […]
What did $50 million buy Ken Griffin in Illinois’ primary? Not much.
“Except for wealthy politicians who bankroll their own campaign, this is the largest amount ever given by a single donor to a U.S. candidate at any level,” according to a report from the Center for Media and Democracy, a progressive watchdog group based in Madison, Wis.
Why Does ‘Democrat’ Sheriff Villanueva Have So Many Far-Right Supporters?
David Armiak works at Center for Media and Democracy and has been monitoring the CNP for several years. He told Knock LA that Villanueva’s Democratic Party allegiance seems odd for the CNP: “there [are] no Democrats involved in this, and if they are, then they moved to the right.” He describes CNP initiatives as “weaponized to move […]
Anti-boycott laws like Arkansas’s defy U.S. Constitution
Now comes an investigative piece from the Center for Media and Democracy detailing another ALEC anti-boycott initiative unveiled at the closed door December 2021 gathering of ALEC and Republican state legislators. This new initiative, which started rolling out in Republican dominated legislatures in 2022, targets banks, universities, investment firms and other financial entities that are […]
How Mark Meadows’ nonprofit benefited from Trump’s ‘Big Ripoff’
As a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit, CPI is not allowed to get directly involved in elections, nor is it legally required to disclose its donors. But the Center for Media and Democracy’s (CMD) website has compiled some funding data for the organization by scouring foundation reports. One of CPI’s biggest donors, giving $2.25 million from […]
Anti-Protest Bills: A Formula for Authoritarianism That We Must All Fight
It is not surprising that these efforts to quash dissent are being backed by the very special interests that demonstrators are trying to hold accountable. If you follow the money, it is the oil companies, police unions, and special interest lobbying groups that are backing these anti-protest bills.
Keeping it Real: We Are Not for Sale– A Response to Wells Fargo and Other Corporate Duplicity
For years Wells Fargo was a dues paying member of this club. It appeared to pivot away from ALEC when it told the Center for Media and Democracy in September 2012 that it had not renewed its membership for the following year, but the following year it sponsored ALEC’s 2013 Annual Meeting. It subsequently told Common Cause […]
Meet Ken Griffin, a GOP hedge fund billionaire who wants to eat Chicago
According to the Center for Media and Democracy’s Exposed project (, in three previous election cycles—2015 through 2020—”the largest GOP donor had been Sheldon Adelson, a casino owner who, with his wife, Miriam, gave a total of $413 million to Republican federal candidates, party committees, and other super PACs. But in the wake of Adelson’s […]