Arn Pearson from the Center for Media and Democracy called in to talk about Governor Paul LePage’s ties to ALEC.
Research Cited
A Shamed AARP Withdraws from Right-Wing Lobbying Organization ALEC
AARP, the retirees organization, responded Thursday to a torrent of protests from members and advocacy groups by announcing that it would drop its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing organization known as ALEC.
Election 2016 AARP to Drop Membership to Right-Wing Lobby Group ALEC After Progressive Groups Apply Pressure
Progressives dedicated to protecting safety nets for seniors have pressured AARP, formerly the American Association of Retired People, to drop its dues-paying membership at ALEC, the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council, whose work includes drafting and promoting bills that would undermine and privatize Social Security and Medicare.
AARP Drops ALEC Amidst Pressure Campaign
Amidst coverage of its involvement with American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and pressure from advocacy groups, AARP on Thursday told Politico that it will not renew its membership with the conservative group.
AARP to Withdraw from Controversial Conservative Group Amid Rising Pressure
It only took a week.
Why is AARP cozying up to the right-wing group ALEC while big corporations flee?
The right-wing legislative lobbying group ALEC has been losing corporate members at a remarkable pace since 2012, making the appearance of AARP on the list of sponsors of ALEC’s 2016 annual meeting last month all the more curious.
What’s ALEC? And why are so many Colorado lawmakers hooked on its ideas?
At least nine Republican lawmakers from Colorado met last week with a secretive national group focused on crafting ready-to-go conservative legislation.
ALEC in Indianapolis: ExxonMobil and the #WebOfDenial
In the face of government investigations, publish outrage, and bankruptcy, companies like ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, and Peabody Energy are plotting their self-defense strategies at the American Legislative Exchange Council’s 2016 annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Lawmakers Deny Backroom Deals With Lobbyists at ALEC Meeting
More than one hundred protesters gathered downtown Wednesday to voice their opposition to the American Legislative Exchange Council, also known as ALEC.
Rick Perry: GOP Has ‘Lost Moral Legitimacy’ on Race
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry told a crowd of conservative policymakers Wednesday that Republicans have “lost our moral legitimacy as the party of Lincoln” and suggested that the party has only itself to blame for alienating huge numbers of African-Americans.