…the terms of the agreement in closed-door trade tribunals, investor-state is a type of private court where corporate interests can directly sue nations for cash damages over public health, consumer,…
Koch-Fueled Playbook against Working Families Exposed by CMD
…to peddle the repeal. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) also weighed in; despite claims that it just represents small businesses, it has received big sums from—you’ll never guess—Kochs’…
How Charles Koch Backed the John Birch Society at the Height of Its Attacks on Martin Luther King
…then helped spearhead a national advertisement in the New York Times blaming Kennedy’s assassination on the communists. 1964 John Birch Society ads blaming communists for the assassination of President Kennedy…
ALEC Invites Politicians to “Plan Your 2016 Agenda” at ALEC Confab in Scottsdale
This year, the American Legislative Exchange Council‘s winter meeting, which it calls the “States and Nation Policy Summit,” will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, at the Westin Kierland Resort and…
GOP Creates Perverse Online Voter Registration, Making It Harder for People to Vote
…the country what we already know that WI is a wonderful state with the nation’s 3rd highest level of voter turnout and that elections officials here run honest, fair and…
WI GOP Begins Retroactive Decriminalization of Scott Walker Fundraising
…million-dollar checks, without any public disclosure. The second will destroy the nonpartisan Government Accountability Board, widely regarded as a “model” for the nation, that assisted prosecutors in the Walker investigation….
How SPN “Think Tanks” Will Spin ALEC’s 2016 Agenda
…appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing…
ALEC Admits School Vouchers Are for Kids in Suburbia
…siphoned out of public schools by 2020 and applied to for-profit and religious schools. With vouchers gaining momentum nationwide, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which is meeting in San…
Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year
…mandates, and fair scheduling ordinances. As originally proposed, the bill likely would have blocked local LGBT anti-discrimination ordinances, but public outcry forced legislators to add a carve-out for employment discrimination.…
Hotel Industry Spins Wage Hikes as Extreme while CEOs Rake in Millions
…Local Businesses”, which is encouraging lawmakers on the Hill to challenge the National Labor Relations Board general counsel’s determination that McDonald’s is a joint employer of franchise employees. The joint…