Clearly these ag's are un-American and MUST be treated as such.
On As GOP State Attorneys General Fight Environmental Regulations, Fossil Fuel Companies Bankroll Their Campaigns
ALEC is un-American and they must CEASE to exist.
On ALEC Influence in Ohio Greases Skids for Anti-Protest Bill
I thought the governor was on the side of the environment and the constitution . This a sad time for…
On Wisconsin Governor Evers Signs ALEC-Inspired Bill to Criminalize Protest
These are the true traitors of our democracy and constitution. Why are Republican senators who say that they are following…
On Koch network makes first jump into 2020 races, defending GOP senators
I've heard from an ex-girlfriend who lives in AZ that the voters in AZ are fed up with the r-CONS.…
On Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Makes Unscheduled Appearance at ALEC Conference in Arizona to Promote Costly School Voucher Program
We appear to be manipulated and propagandized by both the radical right and left. Both radical groups appear to have…
On Koch Invested $127.5 Million in Building Right-Wing Infrastructure in 2018
Eli Board will feel at home with the "Skull and Bone" group at Yale. He is just one example of…
On Eli Broad Pays $100M to Move His Ed-Reform-Producing “Broad Center” from LA to Yale
I am a retired educator who lives in Arizona. I have objected to "educational restructuring" since its inception. The "choice"-…
On Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Makes Unscheduled Appearance at ALEC Conference in Arizona to Promote Costly School Voucher Program
I'd said I'd vote for an empty roll of toilet tissue over Walker. Looks like I was looking at the…
On Wisconsin Governor Evers Signs ALEC-Inspired Bill to Criminalize Protest
They are actually Constitutionalists who believe in the Constitution as written. Those who want the government to continue to tell…
On Convention of States Fires Up Base for Push to Rewrite U.S. Constitution