What Koch brothers have done to American People is beyond terrible and disgusting and dangerous. They should be ashamed and…
On Koch Industries Forced to Pay $1.2 Million for its Latest Lies
This writing (which is mostly just rehash of nonsense written elsewhere) is replete with misstatements about Florida law and just…
On ALEC’s Stand Your Ground Laws Have Created a Deadly Culture of Shoot-First Vigilantism
I wonder if MS Broad would support term limits on the Supreme Court?
On Mock Constitutional Convention Reveals Far Right’s Vision for Rewriting the U.S. Constitution
My hope for the past decade or so has been that this will eventually lead to the collapse of the…
On Democrats and Republicans Need to Strike a Deal to Sideline the Far-Right House Caucus Holding America Hostage
I am glad that Jim Jordan was denied the House Speaker position. I'm from his highly gerrymandered district which is…
On Democrats and Republicans Need to Strike a Deal to Sideline the Far-Right House Caucus Holding America Hostage
Lots of words. Not much substance. Why does Ms. Broad think that the Founders included the second part of Article…
On Mock Constitutional Convention Reveals Far Right’s Vision for Rewriting the U.S. Constitution
Article V The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution,…
On Mock Constitutional Convention Reveals Far Right’s Vision for Rewriting the U.S. Constitution
It seems ALEC, yet another "Astroturf" Group, funded by Koch & the 1%er's, is proving yet again the "Golden Rule,":…
On Lawmakers à la Carte: How ALEC Sells Access to State Legislators
I agree, moderate Republicans who believe in the negotiation of democracy values should join with Democrats to form a government.…
On Democrats and Republicans Need to Strike a Deal to Sideline the Far-Right House Caucus Holding America Hostage
Anti woke kinda sounds like askeep.
On Investment Firm Cofounded by Vivek Ramaswamy Holds Shares in BlackRock