Here at COP29, I had a conversation with Zerin Osho, director of the India Program at the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development based in Washington, D.C., about the critical need to address methane and other types of emissions that trap even more heat than carbon dioxide does.
In a coordinated effort to undermine climate science and slow environmental progress, prominent American climate change denial organizations recently teamed up with conservative European climate denialist groups to strategize on defeating climate solutions that threaten the fossil fuel industry or are otherwise deemed too radical.
After reporting from every UN climate conference since the one in Peru in 2014, I have come to realize that the climate problems we face and their solutions have crystallized for me in the following way.
A recent Arizona primary election sheds light on the entrenched power of the state’s utilities, with critics worried that more state representatives may work at the behest of the utilities instead of focusing on much-needed reforms to accelerate Arizona’s move towards renewable energy.
An investment arm of the largest private company in the U.S. — Koch, Inc. — is investing in an agricultural business venture that will provide corporations with carbon offsets while pulling local natural resources from almost 7.2 million acres of land in three West African countries.