George W. Bush’s brother Jeb is the highest profile speaker at a secretive three-day retreat in Bristol, Virginia, hosted by six coal barons.
Kochs, Corps, and Monsanto Trade Group Have Bankrolled Group Attacking Dr. Oz
One of the doctors who has called for TV’s Dr. Oz–a prominent proponent of GMO labeling–to be fired from Columbia University is a convicted felon who works for the American Council on Science and Health. An updated review of ACSH’s funding reveals it is funded by a trade group of food corporations (including Monsanto) that heavily opposes GMO labeling.
Hotel Industry Spins Wage Hikes as Extreme while CEOs Rake in Millions
Hotel industry profits are up, executive salaries have skyrocketed, and a little-known trade association fights to keep workers’ wages low.
“Death by a Thousand Cuts” and ALEC’s Local Strategy for Attacking Unions
ALEC made headlines, following Wisconsin Republicans’ introduction of a nearly verbatim copy of ALEC’s model Right to Work Act.
Edelman Makes a Climate Change Pledge, But Forgets About ALEC
Edelman, the worlds largest PR company, synonymous with astroturf-style front groups, has announced that it will no longer work for groups that deny climate change.
How ALEC Fronts for Fossil Fuels
Even as the Environmental Protection Agency finally attempts to limit carbon dioxide pollution from coal plants, it is meeting resistance at the state level, thanks to a secretive campaign by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
Who Is Behind the National Right to Work Committee and its Anti-Union Crusade?
The Supreme Court is poised to decide is Harris v. Quinn, “the most important labor law case the court has considered in decades.”
Revealed: ALEC’s 2014 Attacks on the Environment
An internal tracking document — obtained from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) by the Center for Media and Democracy under Texas public records law — reveals the scope of ALEC’s anti-environmental efforts in 2014.
Documents from Open Records Lawsuit Further Undermine Claims that ALEC Is Legislator-Driven
Newly-released ALEC documents obtained as part of CMD”s open records litigation provide more evidence that lobbyists and special interests are calling the shots within ALEC, undermining that group’s latest PR spin that it is a “legislator-driven” organization.
Oil Industry Conjures Illusion of Public Support for KXL Using ALEC Politicians
Millions of U.S. citizens have voiced their opposition to the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline in recent months, with more than 2 million public comments opposing the project hand delivered to the State Department last week. At the same time, hundreds of state legislators have been lining up in favor of KXL, seemingly just as passionate and as heartfelt as those opposed to the project. But many legislators have been tasked with promoting the project by oil industry lobbyists who provide them with model bills, talking points and draft op-eds.