“This is a failure of a philosophy of governance you advocated,” Rep. Connolly told Gov. Snyder. “A city in America . . . is on its knees because of your emergency manager’s decision to save $4 million.”
Lawyer Tormenting Scientists Revealed Working For Coal Company
Bankruptcy filings reveal Chris Horner, a DC-based lawyer, climate change denier and Fox News regular, is being paid as a “Regulatory Counsel” for the coal company, Alpha Natural Resources.
Barring Plastic Bag Bans, another ALEC Law Takes Aim at Local Democracy
Part of an emerging national trend, the Wisconsin Senate voted along party lines to approve a bill that would prohibit local communities from issuing their own rules on plastic bags and other containers.
Cashing in on Kids: 172 ALEC Education Bills Push Privatization in 2015
ALEC continues to push a corporate-driven school privatization agenda through legislatures across the country.
Bankruptcy Filing Shows Arch Coal Funding for Climate Denial Legal Group
The Energy & Environment Legal Institute–a group best known for filing lawsuits seeking climate scientists’ personal emails–has secretly received funding from Arch Coal, one of the largest coal producers in the U.S.
Ohio Charter School Scandal Grows as Kasich Ascends National Stage
Governor John Kasich created the position of Director of School Choice and chose David Hansen, spouse of top adviser Beth Hansen. No debate moderator has asked Kasich about the Ohio charter school scandal.
Ford Becomes Latest Major Corporation to Dump ALEC
Ford responded to consumer concern over its membership in ALEC.
Reporters’ Guide: Federal Contractors with History of OSHA Violations Battle New Safety Rules
Some federal contractors are asking President Obama to withdraw or weaken new worker protections.
TTIP of the Iceberg: Consumer Concerns Could Sink the US-EU Trade Agreement
The TTIP contains those same old clunky trade rules that threaten consumer and environmental laws.
Ordinary Americans Fought Big Money and Won in 2015
In the face of an onslaught of big money in campaigns and elections, ordinary Americans are finding ways to take back their democracy.