Koch cash not being spent on the presidential race is headed down-ballot.
Koch Cash Working to Flip the Senate in Iowa
Will Koch cash help make Iowa a trifecta state?
“Independent” Women’s Group Backing Trump Skirts Law to Influence Elections
The complaint filed by the Center for Media and Democracy alleges that the IWV’s major purpose is to influence federal elections.
Kochs Battle Dark Money Disclosure in South Dakota
South Dakota Ballot Initiative will drag dark money into the light of day.
Trump and Clinton Camps Engaging in Super PAC Coordination Says Watchdog Group
The Campaign Legal Center details how both presidential campaigns are stretching the limits of the law.
Leaked Audio Shows How Florida Utilities Sought to Deceive Public Into Believing Amendment 1 is Pro-Solar
Leaked audio offers new evidence that Florida utilities and their allies have sought to deceive the public into believing that the utility-funded Amendment 1 ballot initiative is pro-solar.
Scott Walker Backers Defend Lead and Wisconsin’s Poisoned Politics
Political discourse in Wisconsin hits a new low.
Speaker Paul Ryan Tries to Change the Topic
But as he was speaking another woman came forward with allegations against Donald Trump.
New Attorney General in Georgia formerly Koch-corp lawyer and Koch-backed think tank Vice President
Chris Carr, the newly appointed state Attorney General for Georgia, has multiple ties to organizations connected to the billionaires Charles and David Koch.
Voter ID in Wisconsin, a Slow-Motion Train Wreck
A federal judge in Wisconsin is blowing the whistle on ALEC-inspired voter ID.