Art Pope is a Republican mega-donor dubbed “Koch Jr.”
WILL’s Faulty School Voucher Study Cheered by Other Bradley Funded Groups
WILL’s faulty study of voucher students was echoed by Bradley funded groups and went unchallenged by mainstream media.
Where is the “Justice” in Sessions’ DOJ?
Six questions appropriations committee members need to ask.
Koch Convention to Rewrite Constitution Runs Into Roadblocks
Three states voted to rescind convention resolutions this session.
The Men Who Sold the World: Kochs Call the Tune for Trump, GOP on Climate
When he withdrew from the Paris Accords last week, Donald Trump gave a speech so filled with falsehoods that it triggered detailed rebuttals by publications ranging from Politifact to Scientific American.
Obstruction of Justice Evidence Mounts
President Trump’s attempts to impede the FBI’s investigation are a big deal.
Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller Peddles Spin on Women’s Issues and More
Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller routinely publishes stories peddling rightwing assertions about women’s economic security issues as news….
The Other Special Prosecutor We Need
Trump and his inner circle cashing in on the White House is its own growing scandal.
Bradley Foundation Floated Wisconsin Watchdog While Franklin Center Floundered
The decline of the Franklin Center is a blow to efforts by right-wing funders to develop state capitol media sites to compliment right-wing news sites covering politics in Washington, D.C., such as Breitbart News.
Cable Industry Lobbyists Write Republican Talking Points on Net Neutrality
Following the vote last week by the Federal Communication Commission to unwind the net neutrality rules enacted during the Obama administration, House Republican lawmakers received an email from GOP leadership on how to defend the decision.