Spurred by $158 million from one secret donor, DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund pumped a record amount of money into right-wing campaigns to remake the Supreme Court, spread election and climate disinformation, and support extremists last year.
Turning Point USA Seeks $43 Million to Escalate the Right’s Culture War in American Schools
The Trump-aligned nonprofit pitches a “Systematic Effort” to “Inspire Our Kids [to] Love America Again” in investor prospectus obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.
ALEC Claims Credit for Voter Suppression and Anti-Critical Race Theory Laws at Secret Meeting
ALEC boasted about its role in promoting and passing laws making it harder to vote, barring schools from teaching about America’s racist past, and protecting employers from COVID-related lawsuits at a May meeting of the right-wing Council for National Policy.
ALEC’s Annual Meeting Queues Up Fights Over Federal Powers, Fossil Fuels, Big Tech, Labor Rights, and the GOP’s Culture Wars
The American Legislative Exchange Council is holding its first post-Trump in-person meeting this week in Salt Lake City, Utah at the five-star Grand America Hotel.
The Right’s Campaign to Erase America’s Racist Roots
While Trump and other Republicans attacked the 1619 Project in 2020 campaigns, right-wing think tanks and policy groups backed them up. Now GOP state lawmakers want to ban schools from teaching it.
DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Pumped at Least $90 Million into Right-Wing Causes in 2019
The preferred funding conduits of the Koch political donor network gave out $165 million in grants in 2019, $90 million of which went to right-wing think tanks, advocacy groups, litigation centers, media outlets, extremists, and climate deniers.
More Than 100 Funders of State Policy Network Revealed
Five right-wing funders provided 83 percent of the traceable cash between 2014-2019 for the group’s efforts to crush public employee unions, question climate science, undermine the Affordable Care Act, and privatize schools.
Corporate Lobby Group Attacks Teachers’ Unions in Call for Schools to Reopen Despite COVID-19 Risks
Bankrolled by anti-labor billionaires, the Job Creators Network is using its push for schools to reopen quickly as a wedge issue to attack teachers unions.
ALEC Exploits Pandemic to Push Right-Wing Policy Goals at Annual Meeting
The American Legislative Exchange Council holds its Annual Meeting virtually over the next two weeks after its original location, Florida, became the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Designed to Chill Campus Protests
Modeled after a similar measure drafted by the right-wing Goldwater Institute, the bill imposes mandatory disciplinary sanctions on anyone under the jurisdiction of an institution “who engages in violent or other disorderly conduct that materially and substantially disrupts the free expression of others.”