Who are these state chamber lobbyists and what are the trade groups they lead?
Highlights of Luntz Poll of American CEOs Shows Broad Support for Progressive Policies
Surprise! Closed-door briefing reveals new poll showing American CEOs side with the American people on key issues.
Exposed: Most CEOs Support Paid Sick Leave, Increased Minimum Wage, and More But Chamber Lobbyists Told How to “Combat” These Measures
Chamber of Commerce lobbyists were instructed on how to thwart local business leaders’ “empathy” for workers and support for popular policies in order to advance national anti-worker agenda.
Reporters’ Guide: Federal Contractors with History of OSHA Violations Battle New Safety Rules
Some federal contractors are asking President Obama to withdraw or weaken new worker protections.
TTIP of the Iceberg: Consumer Concerns Could Sink the US-EU Trade Agreement
The TTIP contains those same old clunky trade rules that threaten consumer and environmental laws.
Koch-Fueled Playbook against Working Families Exposed by CMD
“Wages in RTW states are 3.1 percent lower than those in non-RTW states. . . This translates into RTW being associated with $1,558 lower annual wages for a typical full-time, full-year worker.”
Reporters’ Guide on the Koch Right to Work Playbook
West Virginia is the latest front in a national battle to undermine worker rights bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
Right-Wing Network Puts Friedrichs v. California Teachers in Samuel Alito’s Lap
U.S Justice Samuel Alito has been scouring the land looking for a case to make his mark on history. Now, he has found one.
Richard Berman Misleads on Restaurant Opposition to Higher Wages
Spinmeister Richard Berman sinks to a new low in his fight against the minimum wage.
Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year
This year, ALEC has continued to wreak havoc in states across the country despite an exodus of high-profile corporate members, including BP, Google, and several high-tech firms.