The fracking industries and king coal producers ExxonMobil, Noble Energy, and ARCO dominated the first day of the 44th ALEC conference.
New Study Undercuts Trump FCC Chair’s Justification for Rolling Back Net Neutrality
A recent publication in the International Journal for Communication calls into questions the research cited by current FCC Chairman Ajit Pai as his primary justification for plan to roll back net neutrality rules.
Reagan vs. Cities: The Battle Over South African Apartheid and Lessons for the Trump Era
New report shows parallels between Reagan and Trump threats against local governments and how cities and states successfully fought back.
Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller Peddles Spin on Women’s Issues and More
Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller routinely publishes stories peddling rightwing assertions about women’s economic security issues as news….
Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Attacks on Unions
Documents examined by CMD expose a national effort by the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation to defund and dismantle unions, the most significant force for higher wages and better working conditions in America.
James Sherk Tapped by Trump to Be White House Labor Advisor
Donald Trump quietly hired James Sherk, a Heritage Fellow with a history of pushing ALEC’s anti-union agenda, to handle labor policy.
Scott Pruitt: Trump’s Pick for EPA
As the U.S. Senate takes up the nomination of Scott Pruitt today, CMD provides the essential bio.
Scott Walker John Doe: Corporate Checks Fueled Coordinated Campaign
Documents released by the Guardian indicate that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker may have solicited and received corporate checks for the 2011 Senate recall fight and his own 2012 recall election.
Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice Use “Independent” Brand to Push Right-Wing Agenda to Women Voters
The Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice are not-so independent according to a new investigation by CMD … about how they sell right-wing policies and candidates under the guise of neutrality.
ALEC 2016 Agenda Boosts Charters, Coal, and Other Corporate Funders
Corporate bill mill ALEC will push bills to protect failing charter schools, silence political speech, and more. Preview the ALEC 2016 agenda.