Big bucks are being spent by the soda industry on ballot measures to ban local soda tax campaigns in Oregon and Washington state.
Heavy-Handed Industry Maneuver to Crush Soda and Grocery Taxes Is on Oregon Ballot
As public health advocates push for soda taxes to battle obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, the soda industry and its allies are playing hardball.
Koch Subsidiary INVISTA to Build $1 Billion New Plant in China
Koch Industries saves enough in one year from GOP tax cuts to pay for the plant, while laying off hundreds of U.S. workers.
ALEC in Disarray
Hatemonger David Horowitz takes center stage at ALEC Conference in NOLA.
ALEC Sets the Table for Gerrymandering, Union Busting, Protecting Fossil Fuels, and Privatizing Schools
ALEC’s annual meeting in NOLA continues war on workers and voters, with Janus v. AFSCME victory lap and pro-gerrymandering resolution.
American Beverage Association Sweetened the Pot in Cook County Race with Unsuccessful Last-Minute Funding
Campaign finance reports show Big Soda willing to reward friends and punish enemies.
Report: Wage Theft is Pervasive in Corporate America; Big Banks, Insurers are Among Most-Penalized Firms
New research finds that a wide range of big corporations have been shortchanging the people who work for them.
Harley-Davidson Insiders Hog Tax Cut Revenue
Harley-Davidson took the Trump/Ryan tax cut intended to create “jobs, jobs, jobs” and promptly laid off hundreds of workers.
Koch-Tied Firm Conducts Mass Layoffs after Trump “Job Creating” Tax Cut Bill
Meredith Corp., Owner of Time Magazine, Sheds 1,200 Workers
ALEC Payday Loan Company Gets Reprieve Under Trump Administration
Advance America protected by its former Congressman, Mick Mulvaney.