But as he was speaking another woman came forward with allegations against Donald Trump.
Voter ID in Wisconsin, a Slow-Motion Train Wreck
A federal judge in Wisconsin is blowing the whistle on ALEC-inspired voter ID.
Sanders Woos Progressives in Madison, Seeks to End Influence of Money in Politics
Sanders and Feingold take aim at big money in politics at a rally in Madison.
New Grants Announced: ED Continues to Pour Millions into Charter School Black Hole
U.S. Department of Education continues to bankroll charter schools nationwide with taxpayer dollars.
The Koch Connection in the Scott Walker John Doe Documents
CMD follows the Koch trails in the documents.
Leaked Documents Show Court’s Dismissal of the John Doe Was Based on a False Premise
CMD analysis finds dark money ads attributed to groups that coordinated with Governor Walker and his agents constituted express advocacy–not “issue” advocacy.
Supreme Cover-Up: How the Wisconsin Justice System Failed in the Walker John Doe
Independent courts are supposed to be a check on the corruption of the political system.
Scott Walker John Doe Document Leak: 10 Illuminating Emails
In the recall fights of 2011-2012, Walker played by a different set of rules.
Koch Star State: the Kochs Flood Texas with Campaign Cash
The billionaire Koch brothers are flooding elections in Texas with cash.
Coveted Records Exemption Wrong for Wisconsin
Has the legislature given up its effort to gut Wisconsin’s Open Records law?