Watch out public health advocates – as soda taxes are bubbling up in cities across the nation – the beverage industry is working to choke off this expression of local democracy.
Campaign Finance in Illinois: One Record Set, Another Record on the Way
The Illinois governor’s race is a record breaker.
Donors Trust, the Right-Wing Secret Money Machine, Doled Out $66.7 Million in 2016
Donors Trust funneled millions of dollars to controversial causes anonymously in 2016.
GOP wants to flood politics with dark money using hidden “policy riders”
Campaign finance reform was once a bipartisan issue. With Koch money flooding into the GOP, those days are gone.
Koch Compliance: Georgia-Pacific Plants Have Troubling Health and Safety Record Including Seven Deaths
When it comes to worker safety, actions matter more than words.
Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration
The Koch brothers have won victory after victory in their bid to reshape American government to their interests.
The Two Faces of Janus: The Billionaires Behind the Supreme Court Case Poised to Dismantle Public Sector Unions
The Roman god Janus was known for having two faces. It is a fitting name for the U.S. Supreme Court case scheduled for oral arguments February 26.
Arizona “Ground Zero” for Koch Attack on Public Education
Universal Vouchers for Families of All Incomes on the Arizona Ballot in November 2018
Why Are Railroads Funding ALEC?
Hint: Koch Industries is one of their biggest customers
Fearing 2018 Democratic Wave, Right-Wing Lobbyists Are Mobilizing Against a $15 Minimum Wage Push
Rick Berman, a corporate lobbyist, is busy mobilizing business groups to go on “offense” with the aim of killing minimum wage hikes.