The Koch network’s favorite piggy bank DonorsTrust and its sister organization Donors Capital Fund doled out $114.2 million in grants in 2017.
How Scott Walker Made Wisconsin the National Poster Child for Dark Money Corruption
The tale of Wisconsin’s lead poisoned children becomes “Exhibit A” in congressional hearing Thursday.
Koch Kumbaya: The Billionaire Industrialists Appropriate Frederick Douglass, Pledge to “Do Right”
What are we to make of all the good news and talk of bipartisanship coming from the Koch camp?
Meet Scott Beightol: Anti-Worker Corporate Lawyer and Scott Walker’s Lame Duck Pick for UW Board of Regents
Scott Beightol defends corporations accused of racial, gender, and age discrimination, and employers who want to deny workers medical and family leave.
ALEC’s New Union-Busting Toolkit Illustrates the Goal Is to Bankrupt Unions Not Protect Workers
ALEC’s post-Janus toolkit inadvertently sheds light on the real aims of the group’s union-busting activities.
Michigan GOP Defies Voters, Rams ALEC, Koch Priorities Through Lame-Duck Session
Unconstitutional voter restrictions, lower wages, less health care, donor secrecy, and union-busting add up to an agenda only the Koch brothers would love.
The Koch Brothers’ Freedom Partners Group Spends $115.2 Million in 2017
Dubbed the Kochs’ “Secret Bank,” Freedom Partners corrals donations from millionaires and billionaires to fund the Koch political operation.
Koch Machine Suffers Major Losses on Its Health Care Agenda
Koch network groups failed to stop Medicaid expansion measure in three states and lost many of its health care allies.
Koch’s New Super PAC Loses Six of Nine Incumbents in Key Targeted House Races
Americans for Prosperity Action achieved mixed results in its first general election.
Wisconsin Nice Beats the Politics of Hate and the Scott Walker Money Machine
Holy mackerel! Tony Evers will be the next governor of Wisconsin!