The Freedom Foundation, a notorious anti-union advocacy group, has launched a new organization, the Teacher Freedom Alliance, which the foundation’s CEO describes as “an alternative for pro-America educators who seek to restore traditional values in the classroom and provide students with the high-quality education they deserve — free from political influence and union control.”
Koch Network Tax Plan Targets the Poor in Louisiana
While leaders of both major parties were either celebrating their victories or mourning their losses after the November 5 elections, billionaire Charles Koch racked up a big win in Louisiana when Republican Governor Jeff Landry convened a special session of the state legislature on November 6 — the very next day — to overhaul the state’s tax system.
DonorsTrust Injected More Than $150 Million in Untraceable Cash Into Right-Wing Groups in 2023
DonorsTrust — the donor conduit favored by the Koch political network — funneled over $152.5 million to MAGA groups, right-wing national and state think tanks and litigation centers, hate groups, youth groups, and more in 2023, according to an analysis of its latest IRS filing obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.
Groups Behind State Anti-ESG Legislation Received $85 Million From Corporate Billionaires and Dark Money Funds
A review of IRS tax filings reveals that six of the groups leading the legislative attack against environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing principles have received more than $85 million in recent years from several large foundations.
The Right-Wing Network Manufacturing the War Against Higher Education
A recent white paper by Isaac Kamola, director of the Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, details the ongoing culture-war backlash against higher education in America, largely in response to the grassroots activism of Black Lives Matter in 2020 and increasing LGBTQ+ visibility.
Wisconsin Right-Wing Litigation Center Grooms School Board Members
The Bradley Foundation’s “MVP” is positioning itself to be the ALEC of school boards.
Bradley Funneled $86 Million to Right-Wing Litigation, Policy, Media, Youth Groups, and Higher Education in 2022
The Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and its “aligned” donor advised fund funneled a total of $86.4 million to right-wing litigation outlets, national and state policy groups, media outlets, youth groups, and higher education in 2022, according to an analysis of its most recent IRS filings obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.
DonorsTrust Funneled $134 Million to Right-Wing Groups in 2022
To hide their identities from public scrutiny, megadonors used the Koch political network’s favorite conduit, DonorsTrust, to funnel $134 million to groups promoting the Right’s culture wars and spreading climate misinformation, Trump’s big lie, and hate, as indicated in IRS filings obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.
Federal Covid Relief Funds Fuel Koch-Backed Flat Tax “Revolution”
A decade-long push by Koch’s political and policy network to get more states to flatten or abolish income taxes is finally beginning to pay off, thanks to billions in federal Covid relief funds flowing to the states.
Florida Bills Deliver on DeSantis and ALEC Anti-Union Wish Lists
Florida’s 2023 legislative session has kicked off with a pair of bills chock full of new labor regulations long sought after by anti-union activists.