Koch Industries and its funding vehicles funnel millions to groups that are decrying “woke capitalism” and attacking the investment giant BlackRock for its leading role in ESG investing. Yet that hasn’t stopped the company’s subsidiaries from partnering with BlackRock to invest in technology startups.
Group Linked to Anti-Abortion Activist Leonard Leo Was Top Funder of Republican AG Campaigns in 2022
A group tied to the influential anti-abortion activist Leonard Leo gave $3 million to the Republican Attorneys General Association in the fourth quarter, making it the largest contributor to the organization in 2022.
Weighing a Rematch Against Manchin, West Virginia AG Derides ESG Wokeness
West Virginia’s Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R), a leading critic of investing that incorporates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, is considering a U.S. Senate rematch against incumbent Senator Joe Manchin (D) in 2024.
ALEC Doubles Down on Punishing ESG Firms
At last week’s States and Nation Policy Summit, the American Legislative Exchange Council doubled down on its latest strategy of protecting the fossil fuel industry by blacklisting “woke” companies that embrace climate protection goals.
“Dark Money ATM” Injected Right-Wing Groups with $123 Million in 2021
DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund, the favorite donor conduits of the Koch political network, distributed $123 million in grants in 2021 to right-wing advocacy groups, litigation centers, media outlets, climate deniers, extremists, pro-gun groups, and other tax-exempt organizations that make up America’s right-wing infrastructure, the latest tax filings from both groups detail.
Republican State Financial Officers Bring ESG Fight to Washington
Republican treasurers, auditors, and staff from 23 states will arrive in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 13 to meet with corporate lobbyists and an array of right-wing groups during the Fall National Meeting of the State Financial Officers Foundation. Over the course of three days, they will discuss “the rising threat from China,” inflation, “true diversity,” and anti-ESG investing efforts.
RAGA Discloses $3.7 Million in Third-Quarter Revenue with the General Election Just Weeks Away
The pay-to-play group Republican Attorneys General Association brought in $3.7 million in revenue between July and September, according to an Internal Revenue Service filing submitted this week.
Watchdog Group Files Second Suit in Ohio Supreme Court to Force AG Yost to Turn Over RAGA Records
The Center for Media and Democracy filed suit in Ohio’s Supreme Court yesterday against Ohio Attorney General David Yost for his office’s refusal to search or hand over records concerning Yost’s work with the Republican Attorneys General Association, and its sister organization, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, in violation of the Ohio Public Records Act.
Emails Reveal South Carolina AG Alan Wilson’s Pay-to-Play Activities for National Group
South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, who has faced long-running controversy over his role in impeding an investigation into State House corruption, has been an active participant in the Republican Attorneys General Association’s pay-to-play operation.
Republican AG Pay-to-Play Group Raises $4.9 Million in Second Quarter
The Republican Attorneys General Association raised $4.9 million in the second quarter of this year, according to a report filed with the Internal Revenue Service on Friday.