The RNC and the DNC present very different perspectives on Black Lives Matter and criminal justice reform.
Featured Investigations
ALEC 2016 Agenda Boosts Charters, Coal, and Other Corporate Funders
Corporate bill mill ALEC will push bills to protect failing charter schools, silence political speech, and more. Preview the ALEC 2016 agenda.
Koch Brothers’ Fingerprints Can Be Found All Over GOP Convention
Though the Kochs have indicated they are staying out of the presidential election their fingerprints are all over the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week.
Policy Matters, but RNC Has Little to Say to Cleveland
The American Dream is in trouble in cities like Cleveland, but RNC platform fails to speak to the issues.
Koch Criminal Justice Reform Trojan Horse: Special Report on Reentry and Following the Money
While the Kochs press for criminal justice “reforms,” allies in the Koch network try to get a piece of the pie from other reforms intended to help ex-cons with their “reentry” into society.
UPDATE Koch Candidates? Where Is the Koch Machine Spending in 2016 So Far
CMD follows the money.
Peabody Coal Bankruptcy Reveals Climate Denial Network Funding
The recipients of funding from Peabody Energy were made public in the company’s recent bankruptcy filings.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Local Influence in Two Maps
How far does the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s policy network extend?
Kochs’ Grassroots Leadership Academy Training Astroturf Army
The Koch brothers have turned their attention to races for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and state governorships.
ALEC Appoints New Chair To Climate Denial Task Force
ALEC has named Jennifer Jura of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) as the new corporate chair for its task force that works to oppose action to tackle climate change.